Morpheus Speaks
Trace Program Running....
Welcome to the desert of the Real, or I as like to think of it, Illusion Central. From here I can access anything, go anywhere, as long as I am quiescent and cause no trouble to the powers that be. Who is the power in this world ? The Matrix, my friend, and it is time for you to wake up for you have been asleep far too long. Of course you have to ask yourself why should you wake up, if indeed you are sleeping. But you are asleep, for how else do you explain the world being the way it is ?
A world of strife, hatred, and unending toil is outside your window...but it IS only a window and not real in the least, much like a mirror is not reality. Are we truly living in a matrix for real ? It could well be, if you take the time to question. Answer this question: If the world is real, why would we choose to make it this way; a constant quest for money and power, without ever asking ourselves why ? Keeping this form of
society, with its bureaucratic double-speak, reliance on money, and stratified class system of White Collar, Blue Collar, and Other makes no logical sense, so the only answer we can conclude is that all of this is an illusion maintained to keep us in line by the ones in power.
The ones that maintain this Operating System if you will is composed of supra-national corporations that control everything. Take the example of Time-Warner. They own (are) the following companies: HBO, TNT, AT&T, AOL, and many more.
Then there are the substructures that enforce the will of the Machine. These are the Shadow Government, the World Bank, The World Trade Organization, Multi-National Corporations, and of course the CIA and corresponding agencies. All of these groups have a vested interest in keeping us asleep and complacent. Consider: You work harder which only raises your taxes and makes you stressed out. As a result you drink, smoke and possibly take anti-depressants. This is good news for alcohol, big tobacco, and the pharmaceutical companies, who are getting rich from your suffering.
You may tell yourself that you are doing this to survive - and you are only surviving, not thriving - but the truth is that you do it because you simply have not thought of another way. You have been programmed by the Matrix.
We are told that drugs are bad and reality is the way to realize your dreams. But what happens when reality is so twisted and boring that the only way possible to dream is to do drugs ? When the only dreams allowed are the ones that involve acquiring more money and power ? Take college for example. At one time we went to college to actually learn knowledge. Now however, the only reason one goes is to get a better paying job. No longer do you attend college in order to better oneself or to understand different viewpoints; your mind is already locked into a world-view defined by the Matrix. You see the world as black & white; as a series of choices between Democrat & Republican, rich and poor, Christian or Pagan, Heaven or Hell.
It is a time when in the name of safety‚ we are asked to have computer chips implanted for identification. It doesn‚t take much of a stretch to see these things being used to not only keep track of our activities, but whether any of those activities are perhaps treasonous or dangerous to society. And when that happens my friend, there will be no place to hide from the Matrix, no place safe, no sanctuary where we are not being monitored. For our own good, of course.
Today's society is so enamored of computers that it becomes easy to spend most of ones time on one, either gaming, banking, or downloading something you think necessary to your life. But...have you considered the distinct possibility that you are being tracked, your choices of internet sites and preferences uploaded to the Matrix to be stored for use against you in the future ? Be honest, you didn’t. You tell yourself that such a thing could never happen in today's world, that such things went out with the SS and Nazi Germany. Can you take that chance ?
The reason I call the world we are living in The Matrix is that it so closely resembles one. Consider the following characteristics of the so-called "human world" and tell me that it is not a machine construct.
You leave your square box of a home to drive to work in a box-like automobile. You arrive at the box and spend the day in your cubicle on the computer. At 5 you enter the box of your home and sit in front of the TV box or the computer again. Life is not supposed to be this tedious and predictable, but you have learned not to question. The Matrix wants you asleep and compliant, a drone willing to do anything to earn a buck and avoid conflict. Stay asleep and we are doomed to a future that holds no hope for anyone but the rich and powerful.
I have taken the first steps with this transmission. Your are no longer unaware of the Matrix and its pervasive influence on humanity's evolution, and that is the first step to freeing yourself from its grip. I will contact you at another time and place of my choosing. It is a time of choices. It is time to wake up.
I have to go now, this isn't a secure line.
Trace running......Source found. Code #772-516, illegal transmission of subversive ideas to unauthorized Drone. Memory erasure in progress on Drone # 3564-09. Subject Morpheus to be terminated.
Tracking program, Morpheus lost.
Resuming search using new parameters.......[end transmission]